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Joel Mann

Professor of Philosophy

B.A., The University of Texas at Austin
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin

Programs: Philosophy, Classical Studies

My primary areas of historical interest are ancient Greek philosophy and post-Kantian European philosophy, especially existentialism, though my treatment of these figures is heavily colored by so-called "analytic" method, which, perhaps in opposition to reigning prejudices, I do not regard as fundamentally opposed to "Continental" philosophy. I have published on Nietzsche, specifically on his engagement with ancient thought. My work in ancient Greek philosophy concentrates on Presocratic thought and its intersections with ancient medicine, law, rhetoric, drama, and historiography.
Topically, my interests range broadly, though I am particularly attracted to issues in ethics and moral psychology, where I gravitate--perhaps not surprisingly, given my historical interests-- toward naturalistic, aretaic approaches. I find, too, that I enjoy applying philosophical methods to theoretical problems in other disciplines such as art, religion, science, and history.
I am convinced that one cannot receive a truly liberal education without practicing philosophy. Moreover, one cannot learn to practice philosophy without learning about the history of philosophy, and I am extremely pleased to teach at an institution that recognizes the value of our intellectual and spiritual traditions.

PHIL 120 Philosophy of Human Nature
CLAS 207/PHIL 207 Greek Philosophy
PHIL 209/CLAS 209 Hellenistic Philosophy
PHIL 310 Existentilaism  
CLAS 334/PHIL 334 Tragedy and Philosophy
PHIL 336/MUSI 336 Philosophy of Music 

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