
Physics student demonstrating part of a research project. background

Course offerings




This course examines the underlying physics involved in photography and music. Main topics include waves, reflection and refraction, lenses, the eye, oscillations and resonance, the ear, and musical instruments. Lectures and one laboratory period per week. Basic algebra and geometry knowledge are assumed.

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An introduction to selected concepts and theories of physics, presenting their origin in connection with specific persons and events and their development into their present forms. Topics include the Copernican revolution, Newtonian dynamics, electromagnetic theory, the theory of relativity, and the quantum theory of microscopic matter. Emphasis is given to concepts that have broad applications to phenomena of common experience. Presentation is by lectures, demonstrations and laboratory experiments. No mathematical background beyond high school algebra is assumed. Student who have received credit for PHYS 111 or PHYS 121 may not take PHYS 101 for credit without the registrar鈥檚 consent. Infrequently offered.

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An introductory course that presents students with the fundamental concepts of physics. This algebra-based course assumes no previous physics experience and includes the study of kinematics (including vectors), Newton鈥檚 laws, mechanical energy, rotational motion and waves. Consists of lectures and one laboratory period per week. Working knowledge of basic trigonometry and advanced high school algebra is assumed. Fall semester.

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Continuation of PHYS 111, completing a full-year introductory sequence on the fundamental concepts of physics. Topics include thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and introduction to modern physics, including quantum concepts and radioactivity. Lectures and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: PHYS 111. Spring semester.

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Intended mainly for physical science majors, this introductory course presents a unified view of the fundamental principles of physics. Conceptual development and problem-solving skills are emphasized. Topics include vectors, kinematics, Newtonian dynamics, the conservation laws, oscillatory motion and waves. Lectures and one laboratory period per week. A working knowledge of trigonometry and completion of advanced high school algebra is assumed. Co-requisite: MATH 131 or equivalent. Fall semester.

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Continuation of PHYS 121, completing a full-year introductory sequence. Topics include thermodynamics, electric and magnetic fields and their interaction with matter, electro-magnetic waves, physical and geometrical optics, and radioactivity. Lectures and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: PHYS 121 and MATH 131. Spring semester.

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This course is designed to provide a survey of astronomy with emphasis on the underlying physical principles. Students learn about the scientific method and developments that have enabled our current understanding of the dynamic universe. Main topics include the cycles of the sky, the history of astronomy, the stars, the Milky Way galaxy and the solar system. Group projects cover additional topics such as galaxies, cosmology and details of the solar system planets. Laboratories with hands-on activities are an important component of the course. Some lab periods meet in the evening for astronomical observations. No mathematical background beyond basic high school algebra is assumed.

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An intermediate treatment of Newtonian mechanics. Topics include equations of motion and their solutions, conservation laws, systems of particles, central-force motion, and an introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics. Lectures and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisites: PHYS 122 and MATH 132. Fall semester, alternate years.

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An introductory course in circuit analysis, including DC and AC circuits, semiconductor devices, and digital logic circuits. Lectures and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisites: PHYS 122 and MATH 132. Fall semester, alternate years.

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A survey of the essential experimental and theoretical development of 20th-century physics. Topics include special relativity, wave-particle duality, Bohr atom, basic quantum mechanics, radioactivity, nuclear reactions and particle physics. Lectures and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisites: PHYS 122 and MATH 132. Fall semester, alternate years.

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An advanced course in experimental design and analysis intended to replicate the activities of a professional research project through the precision measurement of several of the fundamental physical contacts of the universe. Additional topics will include the calculation of statistical and systematic uncertainties, computer-based modeling and analysis, written and oral presentation of results, and research ethics. Prerequisites: PHYS 121 and PHYS 122. Spring semester, alternate years.

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An intermediate treatment of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics from a modern point of view. Topics include temperature, heat, entropy, irreversible processes, the general laws of thermodynamics, canonical distribution, equipartition theorem, the ideal gas law and an introduction to quantum statistics. Co-requisite: PHYS 241. Fall semester, alternate years.

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A study of the classical electromagnetic theory. Topics include electrostatics, magnetostatics and an introduction to electrodynamics. Vector calculus is introduced and extensively used. Prerequisites: PHYS 122 and MATH 233. Spring semester, alternate years.

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An introduction to the current fields of optical and atomic physics. The foundations of modern optics is laid, including the electromagnetic and quantum-mechanical theory of light, geometric and wave optics, instrumentation, polarization, lasers, and modern optical components. The interaction of light with atoms is introduced, including the fundamentals of atomic structure and numerous applications. Prerequisite: PHYS 241. Co-requisite: MATH 310. Spring semester, alternate years.

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An advanced treatment of the principles and methods of quantum mechanics. Topics include the Schroedinger equation, the harmonic oscillator, the hydrogen atom, quantum statistics, and applications to atomic and nuclear physics. The operator method is introduced and used. Prerequisite: PHYS 241. Co-requisite: MATH 310. Spring semester, alternate years.

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Designed for the study of subject material of special interest. The organization, methodology and objectives are determined by the instructor. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing and instructor鈥檚 consent.

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This course is designed to allow students to pursue, on an individual basis, an area of study such as solid-state physics or astrophysics. The methodology and objectives are mutually agreed upon by a faculty member and the student. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing, instructor鈥檚 consent and approval of the associate dean of natural sciences.

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An independent study course involving laboratory research carried out under the direction of a faculty member in physics or astrophysics. The methodology and objective are mutually agreed upon by a faculty member and the student. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing, instructor鈥檚 consent and approval of the associate dean of natural sciences.

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This course consists of a comprehensive examination covering the various areas of physics in the undergraduate curriculum. The results of this examination help the physics discipline assess achievement and improve the program. Prerequisite: senior standing. Spring semester.

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This course will develop important aspects of our physical understanding of the world, and then examine how they are understood in the context of public thought. Intersections between science, philosophy, religion, and politics will be examined, as well as how they are communicated between scientists and non-scientists. Specific topics such as climate change, the history of the universe, vaccinations, and others will be explored.

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Appropriate work experiences with businesses, governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, or schools may be undertaken for course credit, when directly related to the educational goals of the student. The work done or a description of the field experience is not sufficient for academic credit; there must also be evidence of reflective analysis and interpretation of the experience which relates it to the basic theory in related areas. This course will allow students pursuing Physics, Engineering and Robotics to complete internships for credit while also developing career readiness skills. Instructor permission is required.

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