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2005 Young Alumni Award

Natalie Buhl ’01

Now in her fifth year as an English teacher at West De Pere High School, Natalie Buhl is another graduate of 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 who enthusiastically proclaims, “My four years at St. Norbert were some of the best years of my life,” years in which she “grew so much through my classes and my campus involvement.”

While at 老澳门六合彩开奖记录, Natalie earned Dean’s List honors every semester. For her academic success, she gives great credit to Dr. Robert Boyer who taught her how to dissect literature, and how to explore the historical context of a work and the author’s situation. She also became very involved in campus and community service projects. On campus, she worked in the Department of Leadership, Service, & Involvement, and credits Tamie Klumpyan for teaching her about group dynamics, problem solving, and leadership. Among a “laundry list” of her activities, highlights include: being a First Year Experience mentor for incoming freshmen; coordinating campus-wide alcohol awareness and educational programming; serving as President of Delta Phi Epsilon sorority; and working on the Alcohol Task Force Committee, Campus Center Planning Committee, Lilly Grant Committee, Panhellenic Council, Norbertine Leadership Awards Committee, College Activity Board, and the 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 Centennial Planning Committee. Natalie also served as an Independent Native American tutor; participated in the Community Cancer Walk, March of Dimes Walk, Chicago Urban Plunge Service Trip, Habitat for Humanity Food Drive, Old St. Joseph’s choir; and was a volunteer with Crossroads Homeless Shelter.

Her campus involvement didn’t end with her graduation. Currently, she is Alumnae Advisor to Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity, and from 2002-2004, she was Alumnae Advisor to Delta Phi Epsilon sorority. Of these latter activities, Natalie enthuses, “I love seeing the organizations, and the members, grow and change.”

In addition, Natalie has continued her community service as an usher and lector at Old St. Joseph’s Church; as a Young Neighbor in Action trip leader to Omaha, Cincinnati, and St. Louis in the summers; as a Youth Group Leader at St. Anne’s; and by helping with Habitat for Humanity’s WomanBuild.”

“I absolutely love it,” says Natalie of her teaching high school English. “I love working with youth and seeing them grow and learn…Many teenagers today lack positive role models—especially young adult role models; I try to be someone they can look up to.” Well, role model she appears to be. Besides being nominated the past two years for the Green Bay area schools’ prestigious “Golden Apple” award for outstanding teaching, she published three articles in the Wisconsin English Journal when her West De Pere High School English Department was highlighted in the Journal’s spring issue.

Natalie plans to get a Masters degree in English or education, but meanwhile she plans to “enjoy each day as it comes!” Her commitment to teaching and helping others is best expressed in her own words: “…the satisfaction that comes with working with others and using the talents God has given you is priceless!”
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