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Commuter Students

Students may be released from college residency requirements if they meet the requirements for commuter status.
Commuter Status Requirements
A student may qualify for commuter status if they exclusively reside with a parent or legal guardian at the parent or legal guardian's primary residence, provided such residence is located within 35 miles of the college.

To “exclusively reside” means that the student spends their overnights at the residence and at no other location or residence. The following overnights do not count against this restriction:

  • Overnights at locations more than 35 miles from the college which are part of a personal vacation or visit, travel, school-sponsored event or educational opportunity.
  • Overnights at locations within 35 miles of the college which are part of a formal, college-sponsored activity involving an overnight stay.
  • Overnights at locations within 35 miles of the college when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
  • Other overnights at locations within 35 miles of the college which do not exceed 3 times per month and more than 2 nights per visit during months in which school is in session (for example, an overnight stay at a friend's residence).
  • Overnights at a medical facility for medical treatment.
  • Other exceptions not listed above which are pre-approved in writing by the Director of Residential Education and Housing.

A parent or legal guardian's “primary residence” is the residence where the parent or legal guardian spends a majority of time during the calendar year. If the primary residence is more than 35 miles from the college, there is no eligibility for commuter status.

Any questions concerning whether the student qualifies for commuter status should be directed to the Director of Residential Education and Housing before applying for or continuing commuter status. Violations of commuter status can have serious repercussions, as noted in “Violations of Commuter Status Policy” below.

Applying for Commuter Status
Students seeking commuter status will be required to complete an on-line application for such status. The link can be found on the Housing home page.

In addition, the student and their parents or legal guardians with whom they reside may be required to sign a sworn, notarized Confirmation Affidavit confirming that the requirements of commuter status have been met. Confirmation Affidavits may be requested at any time. Students and parents/legal guardians may also be required to supply other proof that the commuter status requirements are being met and are expected to promptly respond to all inquiries or investigations concerning commuter status.

Students may apply for and be assigned on-campus housing after they have been approved for commuter status, but the campus housing assignment is binding for the entire academic year. Requests to change from living on campus to commuter status for the spring semester will not be granted.

Violations of Commuter Status Policy
Any failure to comply with the requirements of an approved commuter status will be addressed through the student discipline process. If a student does not apply for and receive commuter status permission, the student will automatically be assigned and be charged for an on-campus housing assignment. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, permanent revocation of commuter status, suspension from college, disciplinary probation and assignment to a college housing unit. In addition, the student may be assessed standard housing costs retroactive for all periods for which commuter status was granted (even if the violation did not cover the entire period of commuter status).

Any false or deliberately misleading information provided in any application for commuter status or in any Confirmation Affidavit (including Affidavits supplied by parents or legal guardians) may result in the above sanctions and the following additional sanctions: expulsion from college and assessment of any additional costs or expenses incurred by the college in connection with the investigation of the student's commuter status.

FAFSA Housing Status
If you filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, your housing status with Residential Education and Housing must agree with what you indicated on your FAFSA. If it does not, you must update your housing status on your FAFSA. A change in your housing status may result in a change in your financial aid award at a later date.

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