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Scope: This procedure applies to any regular employee who, having experienced a work-related injury or illness and receiving workers compensation benefits, requires follow-up or periodic medical appointments related to such work-related injury or illness. Employee Procedures: Obtain and submit (if possible) a schedule of upcoming appointments to Human Resources and/or the Supervisor in advance of the appointments including: office visits, therapy appointments, or any other scheduled appointments. Schedule appointments outside of normal work hours, if possible. Discuss with the Supervisor making up lost time (modifying start and end times), if unable to schedule appointments outside of normal work hours. Notify Human Resources on a weekly basis of any hours missed due to medical appointments (hours during normal work hours that are not made up by a schedule modification). Employees who have sustained a work-related illness or injury should always remember to: Provide Human Resources with a current telephone number and address. (This is especially important if the employee is staying at temporary address.) Notify Human Resources within 24 hours of any and all changes in medical conditions. Note: This procedure does not override the procedures applicable to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Inquiries about the ADA or FMLA should be directed to Human Resources (HR).     AGE 1Error! 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