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Authorized Disciplinary Sanctions

Disciplinary Sanctions

A. Formal Warning. In cases of minor violations, students will be placed on a formal warning status for one (1) calendar year. 

B. Residential Probation. A residential probation is a warning similar to, but more serious than, a formal warning. A student may be placed on residential probation for a specified period not to exceed a student’s graduation. These records are maintained seven (7) years from the date of sanction.

C. Disciplinary Probation. This sanction may prohibit the individual from representing the college in any official capacity. Probation shall be for at least three months, or could continue throughout the student’s enrollment at 老澳门六合彩开奖记录. The student’s parents may receive written notification of the probation status and circumstances thereof. Further violations of college policies, including violation of probation terms, will probably result in removal from the institution. This being an extremely serious probation, the board/administrator may impose other appropriate sanctions depending on the situation. These records are maintained for seven (7) years from the date of sanction.

D. Suspension. Suspension involves withdrawal of enrollment privileges for a specified period of time and ordinarily carries with it conditions, which must be met for re-enrollment. During the period of suspension, the student may not come onto campus, except when specifically authorized in writing by the interim vice president for mission and student affairs or designee. Failure to abide by this condition may result in arrest for trespassing and/or further disciplinary sanctions. Suspended students are not permitted to live or board in college facilities. Re-enrollment after a suspension requires that the student apply for admission. Readmission may be granted only if the conditions of conduct-related sanctions have been met. Students suspended may not receive credit for college work completed by correspondence or in residence at another university without prior permission from the interim vice president for mission and student affairs or designee. Records of suspension are maintained indefinitely.

E. Expulsion. Expulsion is a permanent dismissal from the college. These records are maintained indefinitely.

Additional Sanctions

Educational Sanctions: All consequences of conduct hearings are intended to be educational. Educational sanctions may be imposed in combination with or as a condition of any other disciplinary sanction. Educational sanctions may, for example, require the respondent to prepare letters of apology, to research an issue related to the offense, to attend a workshop, lecture or meeting, to perform community service, or to attend counseling.

Behavioral Contract: A contract is written by an administrator and student(s) for the purpose of improving behavior/ attitude. The behavioral contract includes specific obligations or behaviors which the student(s) must meet within a specified time period. The contract serves as the working agreement between the student(s) and the administrator.

Restitution: Restitution is compensation required of students who engage in theft, misuse, damage, or destruction of institutional, group or private property. The amount of restitution is dependent upon the extent of damage as well as what is determined to be the most appropriate way for a student to make amends for the damage caused. The amount, form and method of payment of restitution is determined by the hearing administrator or the board.

Fines: For some violations, fines may be imposed. At the discretion of the hearing officer, fines and/or work assignments may be imposed. 

Removal from a Living Unit: In imposing this sanction, the hearing officer may require a student to vacate a particular residence hall. Circumstances in the environment such as conflicts with supervising personnel, peer pressure or an unwillingness to recognize and respect the rights of others may indicate a need for the use of this sanction.

Revocation of Admission and/or Degree: Admission to or a degree awarded from the college may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation, or other violation of college standards in obtaining the degree, or for other serious violations committed by a student prior to graduation.

Withholding Degree: The college may withhold awarding a degree otherwise earned until the completion of the process set forth in this student conduct code, including the completion of all sanctions imposed, if any.
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