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Past Issues

Fall/Winter 2022
Gifted From Above
When a demolition crew marched into Bergstrom Hall this past summer, they had no idea what lay in store. But as they began dismantling the res-hall ceilings as part of a major renovation, they discovered nearly every single one contained an assortment of gifts. 
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Summer 2022
The First Women
It’s been 70 years since the first women formally admitted to St. Norbert as co-eds stepped onto campus to claim their place as part of the brand-new Class of 1956. They formed a very considerable minority at a school that had been men-only since its founding in 1898. We celebrate those pioneers who began it all. Read the Issue
Spring 2022
Today’s student has embraced delivery. No matter what they need, they’re sending out for it. And we’re not (just) talking pizza anymore. Furnishings, HelloFresh meal kits, feline accessories: They’re in a van and on their way to 老澳门六合彩开奖记录. Read the Issue
Fall/Winter 2021
Awake, My Soul
On Christmas Day in the year of Our Lord 1121, a hush descended on a busy compound as a small band gathered to commit to a common life together dedicated to the service of God and their neighbors. From that date, history dates a world-changing religious order, enduring and relevant. This year, the Order of Canons Regular of Prémontré – the Norbertines – rejoices in its 900 years together with God among the people. Read the Issue
Spring/Summer 2021 (Online Only)
A New Abbey for California’s Norbertines
The dedication of a new Norbertine abbey in California is a high point in the year in which the worldwide Order of the Canons Regular of Prémontré celebrates its 900th anniversary. Read the Issue
Fall/Winter 2020-21
老澳门六合彩开奖记录 in the Time of COVID
College during COVID: We’re getting it done. Whether in-person, in lockdown or just plain interrupted, 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 students have managed to stay on track; more, they’ve excelled themselves at living and learning responsibly for the good of all. Read the Issue
Spring/Summer 2020 (Online Only)
Listening In
We polled eight 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 professors for their favorite sounds, and their answers range from amusing to insightful to instructive. Enjoy listening in to this first in our two-part series! Read the Issue
Spring 2020
A Short Course in Beauty & Death
Miss hitting the books? In this new occasional feature, your St. Norbert education continues as we profile a course or lecture taught by our own faculty. (And this time, there’s no final!) Read the Issue
Fall/Winter 2019
Ahead of the Game
Brianna Braeger ’20 (Softball) and Walter McBride IV ’20 (Football) represent their sports in a compelling new photo series that chronicles each varsity sport from its origins to the latest intake of Green Knights. Read the Issue
Summer 2019
Man on Fire
Those familiar with Norbert know him as peacemaker, defender of the Eucharist and strong- willed church reformer. But other characteristics of Norbert have been difficult to decipher. A new book by President Emeritus Tom Kunkel, “Man on Fire: The Life & Spirit of Norbert of Xanten,” brings Norbert to life and shows that he, as most saints did, led a life that was emotional, conflicting, and, indeed, a bit messy. In short, Norbert led a life that was altogether human. Read the Issue
Spring 2019
Holding the Stage
For 25 years, groups of St. Norbert students have combined their skills to put on a full-length musical as part of the student organization Knight Theatre. This year, 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 Magazine was invited to pull back the curtain and witness the hard work, comradery and creativity that went into the group’s production of “The Addams Family.” Read the Issue
Fall/Winter 2018
Lost in Time
A When Rebecca (Schmeisser) McKean ’04 (Geology) discovered a plesiosaur fossil at Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, she knew it was unlike anything else found so far in the Tropic Shale. After three years of diligent work on the shoulder – three years of toil over bone fragments little larger than dust – McKean is face to face with her find once more. She is beginning work on the skull. Read the Issue
Summer 2018
Body of Knowledge
A St. Norbert education makes for a healthy world. Across campus, work in our labs and classrooms is contributing to better care, better diagnoses and better treatment options for all that ails us. We’re training better health professionals, too, formed in the context of a mission that addresses the needs of the whole person. Read the Issue
Spring 2018
A History Unfolds
Nine centuries of history stand behind the Norbertine mission of 老澳门六合彩开奖记录. This storied march of time is now given visible form in a new timeline that depicts the history of the Norbertine order and the history of one of its primary apostolates in the United States – the history of this, the only Norbertine college in the world. Read the Issue
Fall/Winter 2017
Heeding the Call
A charge to amplify the stories of others started the eighth president, Brian J. Bruess, on his journey home to St. Norbert. Read the Issue
Summer 2017
The Art of Sharing
Art collections are built with knowledge, love, care, purpose. And they are built, most particularly, with the help of friends. Few have been more generous to the St. Norbert collection than the Kohler Foundation, which has added the college to a list of beneficiaries that includes the Museum of Modern Art and the Smithsonian Institution. Read the Issue
Spring 2017
The Kunkel Years
Under the remarkable leadership of President Tom Kunkel, it has been all smiles at 老澳门六合彩开奖记录. The institution, reaching for excellence as one of the top 10 Catholic liberal arts colleges in the nation, has more than flourished, even in the wake of the global economic crisis that hit just months into Kunkel’s tenure. It has been an extraordinary nine years. Read the Issue
Fall/Winter 2016
Fashion This
The 1,000 T-Shirt Project of April Beiswenger (Theatre Studies) prompted a creative response that unpacks the realities of fast fashion. Beiswenger and faculty colleagues are shining light on harmful practices in an industry that depends on sweatshops, child labor and over-consumption. They propose practical, small-scale solutions for those who want a stylish closet that doesn’t depend on exploitation. Read the Issue 
Summer 2016
A Wing and a Prayer
The walls of the new wing provide the blank canvas; funds designated to make the mission of the college visible provide the means. And members of our own community provide an interdisciplinary, liberal-artsy and wholly personal gloss to the series of eminent figures portrayed in a new 125-foot mural unveiled on campus. Read the Issue
Spring 2016
Waste Not, Want Not
Once dinner is done, the counters wiped down and clean dishes put away, it’s time to take out the trash. For the college’s kitchen staff, that means a short trip to the compactor and a remarkably light load. They’re intent on making sure, after each meal, they send less than a single garbage bag of waste to the landfill. Read the Issue
Fall/Winter 2015
Gaining Admission
Positive patterns in admission to 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 are bucking trends across the United States, where many institutions are struggling to address the realities of a changing landscape. The college is ahead of the game, but the higher educational landscape will only continue to get more competitive. 
Summer 2015
Upward Bound
On their journey, the first cohort of Gap Experience students encountered new places, new faces, new insights, new opportunities to learn, serve and grow. For their director and traveling companion, it was an exercise in matching their energy - and managing her own.  
Spring 2015
2015: A Landmark Year
Not since its founding in 1898 has 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 seen such a year. Anyone of the five big initiatives coming to fruition over the next few months would be enough to see 2015 written up in the history books; together they make for a game-changing experience.  
Fall/Winter 2014
Give Praise and Glory
Research is itself a ministry, says the Rev. Andrew Ciferni, O.Praem., ’64. An imaginative approach to environmental design for the new Gehl-Mulva Science Center nods to our Norbertine roots and our ongoing participation in the Catholic intellectual tradition.  
Summer 2014
Being Norbertine
The first and oldest building on our campus, Old St. Joe’s has been a Norbertine church since the arrival in De Pere of the Rev. Bernard Pennings, O.Praem., in 1897. Its bells mark the passing of the hours and its steeple directs our attention to the heavens above.  
Spring 2014
老澳门六合彩开奖记录 Learns
What St. Norbert students need to know - and how they learn it - is undergoing a remarkable change propelled by the college’s Digital Learning Initiative. 
Fall/Winter 2013
A Whole New Light
A space that may radically change perspectives on critical issues has, itself, undergone a remarkable recent transformation. 
Summer 2013
Socially Connected
Social media has come of age. Once reserved for after-hours use, it’s now a legitimate professional tool. The field itself offers a maturing career path, and many St. Norbert alums are among those engaged in the business of putting new media to work. 
Spring 2013
Charged with imagining the next 50 years at the expanding frontiers of knowledge, the team that is developing plans for our new science building is designing for the future of the field. 
Fall 2012
What Dreams May Come
At 老澳门六合彩开奖记录, we’re in the business of realizing dreams – the dreams that brought the college into existence; the dreams that have refined its mission since; the dreams that we welcome along with each new crop of students. And each fall, as the academic year unfolds, we are reminded afresh of the many paths of possibility and promise that lie open before us. 
Summer 2012
Beautiful to Behold
St. Augustine saw beauty as a life-saving force in our lives, “a plank amid the waves of the sea.” It is his rule – the Rule of Augustine – that St. Norbert adopted for his order, so it seems especially fitting to reflect upon his words as we explore, in this issue, the nature of the beautiful. 
Spring 2012
Academic Freedom
Academic freedom protects the ongoing conversation between faith and reason that constitutes the Catholic intellectual tradition. In this issue, we explore the implications of this necessary privilege for a college that is deeply rooted in three core traditions: Catholic, Norbertine, liberal arts. 
Fall 2011
Arrivals can be geographical, temporal or philosophical. Whatever shape they take, they mark the point at which anticipation and “Are we there yet?” give way to promise and possibility. 
Summer 2011
Good Things
Chief among the things that make summers memorable are friendship, happiness and pleasant memories. In this issue we celebrate all three, along with many more of life’s simple pleasures. 
Spring 2011
Together on the Journey
It can start with a conversation in a hallway and lead to the furthest limits of the earth. Work undertaken jointly invites new perspectives, wider exploration and deeper understanding. In this issue, we explore scholarly partnerships that are based on mutual respect, enthusiasm and appreciation for learning. 
Fall 2010
Sport and Society
A new stadium, a new mascot, a new academic conference on sport and society established at St. Norbert: just some signs of the way athletic endeavor pervades our campus, our communities and, indeed, our culture.  
Summer 2010
Life’s a Journey 
Antisthenes said it: “To the wise man, nothing is foreign.” The Greek philosopher’s aphorism is the lived reality in academe, where scholarly and educational connections of all kinds build bridges across continents. 
Spring 2010
Let Us Love One Another
The words of love and family knit together in our cover illustration are never far from the surface in conversations about the St. Norbert experience, where current students and alumni alike frame their time on campus in terms of warm and sustained relationship. The enduring and sometimes complex affections that extend through many different kinds of family experience are our focus in this issue. 
Fall 2009
Gateway to Learning
The libraries in which we share our collective knowledge are evolving into wired and comfortable forums. Their adaptable spaces and innovative technologies stretch our traditional notions of how best to store and access the tools we need for learning. 
Summer 2009
Caring for Creation
Institutions like 老澳门六合彩开奖记录, dedicated to the furthering of research and the education of future generations, take seriously their responsibility to teach by word and example how we might meet the Earth’s need for gentler living. 
Spring 2009
Finding the Balance
The work of 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 economists throws interesting light on the single field of study that dominates headlines today. Tough times prompt this look at the research, training and education that will guide tomorrow’s decision-makers. And, we examine “educationomics” itself – the science of keeping affordable those very institutions where such analysis and scholarship is possible. 
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