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Student Permits and Fees

Parking permit registration for the academic year will start at mid-late July. Students will receive registration information via email before registration opens. After the start of the academic year, students who want to bring a vehicle to campus must verify with the parking office that a permit is still available. Any vehicles that arrive on campus without a permit could be towed to an off-site storage area. A student permit identifies the vehicle as one being legal to park on campus but does not guarantee a parking spot for any specific space or lot. Parking within any student lot is on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

On-Campus Residents

The green resident student permit which costs $150 for the academic year, is available to students residing in any form of campus housing.  The number of permits sold is limited by the number of student parking stalls available. The GREEN permit is valid for any student lot (P6, P12, P13, P16, P17, and P21 Sixth St.) except the red Preferred Parking spaces in P6. Green parking permits are not valid for the Preferred Parking Area in the P6 Third St. South lot. Vehicles parked illegally in the red Preferred Parking Area without a preferred parking permit will be issued a $75 citation and towed at the owner's expense.

Preferred Parking Permits are $375 for the academic year and allow parking in the Preferred Parking Area at the north end of the P6 Third St. South Lot. The number of red preferred parking permits issued equals the spaces available in the Preferred Parking Area. Preferred parking permit vehicles are expected to park in the preferred parking area alone. Vehicles with an assigned preferred parking permit cannot be parked anywhere else on campus as you have a designated parking area dedicated to them. Students who receive a preferred parking permit are expected to park in the preferred parking area at all times except during the campus open lot times. The red preferred parking permit selection occurs in May for the following school year and is available to upperclassmen. Blue commuter and Green resident parking permits are not valid for the Preferred Parking Area in the P6 Third St. South lot. Vehicles parked illegally in the red Preferred Parking Area without a preferred parking permit will be issued a $75 citation and towed.

College House Residents
Residents at college-owned houses must register their vehicle for a free academic year green permit. The permit allows you to park in your house driveway. Should your vehicle not fit in your driveway or in the event that you are asked to move your vehicle if access to the garage is requested, the permit also allows residents to park in ANY student lot on campus except the red Preferred Parking spaces in P6College House Parking Policy

All vehicles parked in your driveway must display a valid year permit or they will be issued a ticket for an unregistered vehicle violation.

You can not park or drive on the lawn. Your entire vehicle (all four wheels) must be parked on the paved or gravel driveway. The sidewalk may not be blocked by any part of your vehicle. The parking office has the right to charge each resident a $30 parked on the grass fine if there is evidence of vehicles driving or parking on the lawn. 

Commuter Students
The blue commuter parking permit costs $150 for the academic year. Commuter students are defined as students who live at home with their family/guardian or live in off-campus housing. The BLUE permit is valid for any commuter lot signed as Employee/Commuter (P4, P5, P8, P9, P15) and any resident student lot on campus (P6, P12, P13, P16, P17, and P21 Sixth St.) except the red Preferred Parking Area in the P6 lot. To apply for a commuter permit you must have commuter status and have a local address on file with . Blue parking permits are not valid for the Preferred Parking Area in the P6 Third St. South lot. Vehicles parked illegally in the red Preferred Parking Area without a preferred parking permit will be issued a $75 citation and towed at the owner's expense.


Temporary Permit
The temporary permit hangtag is valid for the P21 Sixth Street lot only and is $20 for 2 weeks. 

If a student needs to park a vehicle on campus for any period of time, a temporary parking permit must be purchased. To purchase a temporary parking permit, email your vehicle information (make, model, color, license plate #, & state) to parking@snc.edu and the dates you need the temporary parking permit. If you are on campus with the vehicle and have not prearranged with parking, you must park in the P21 Sixth Street lot and call in the vehicle information to Campus Safety at 920-403-3299 along with emailing parking@snc.edu

If students need to have a car on campus for just one day, they need to park in the P21 Sixth Street lot and call in their car information to Campus Safety at 920-403-3299.

Illegible permits are subject to a fine and are considered illegal. Altering a temporary permit will result in a $100 fine and the vehicle will be towed. 


Study Abroad, Graduating in December, Student Teaching, Overnight Programs
If you are on campus fall semester but studying abroad spring semester or graduating in December,
you will need to request an annual parking permit when your date for permit registration opens. After the fall semester and before you leave, you must return your permit to the parking office and your account will be credited half the cost of the permit.

If you are studying abroad fall semester, do not request a parking permit for the fall semester. You will be able to request a parking permit for your vehicle starting two weeks before classes begin for the spring semester. 

Student teachers, if you will need a vehicle for your student teaching in the spring semester, you must apply for and purchase it now in the fall to guarantee you have a parking permit – even if you do not need a vehicle until the spring semester. 

Overnight Parking Programs, the parking office has semester-long parking programs set up for students with an off-campus internship, student teaching, athletic requirements, job, etc. to be able to use specific commuter lots for overnight parking. Vehicles granted into the program must be removed from the lot by 7:30 a.m. and not returned until after 3:30 p.m. Any vehicle that remains after 7:30 a.m. will be issued a Not Parked in Assigned Lot ($20) ticket. The programs have strict rules and guidelines that MUST be followed for the programs to continue. For more information about the available programs and to be considered for a program, email your interest to the parking office at parking@snc.eduStudents who park in the commuter lots after 2 a.m. and are NOT part of a specific program will be ticketed for No Overnight Parking ($50).


Mopeds and Motorcycles
Every moped, scooter, or motorcycle that parks on campus must be registered with the college, no permit necessary.  Please review the college’s wheeled vehicle policy for parking locations and riding restrictions. To register your vehicle-email the make, model, color, and plate # to the parking office. (parking@snc.edu)

To review where student parking lots are located on campus, see our campus parking map.  

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