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Academic Peer Mentoring Schedule

Welcome to the online Academic Peer Mentoring (APM) schedule to view days, times and locations for peer mentoring sessions.

Fall 2024 Schedule
Sessions will begin week one or two of the term. Specific days, times and locations for sessions will be posted here.

We gathered a short list of frequently asked questions to help you get to your session.

Course Instructor Days/Times Mentor(s)
ACCT 205, A & B  A. Vandendberg

 Tues & Thurs 6:30-7:30pm

COF 210

Catherine M.

Katie Q. 

BIOL 120, B & D Dr. Brandt

 Mon 5:30-6:30pm

Wed 6:30-7:30pm

Tues & Thurs 6-7pm

GMS 1054

Meghan R.

Isabelle H.

Joren K.

Naina R. 

BIOL 120, C & E

Dr. Danka

 Mon 6-7pm

Tues 4-5pm

Wed 3:30-4:30pm

Thurs 2:30-3:30pm


Jason B.

Marta W.

Isabelle A.

Mason B.


BIOL 120, F

Fr. Dougherty

 Mon 4-5pm

Thurs 6-7pm

GMS 1048

Cassidy B.

Onika H.

BIOL 244 A & B

Dr. King

 Mon & Wed 7-8pm

Tues 6-7pm

Thurs 2-3pm



Amber H.

Kayla K.

Joey W.

Kaitlin A.

CHEM 220, A Dr. Russel

 Tues 2:30-3:30pm (STW 105)

Wed 6:30-7:30pm (GMS 1095)


Brandon G.

Mara H.

CHEM 105, E & F Dr. Scheich

 Tues 7-8pm

Thurs 2:30-3:30pm

GMS 1095

Gracie R.

Erin S

Lilly W.

Lauren F.

CHEM 105, A & G Dr. Sprague

 Tues 7-8pm

Thurs 2-3pm

GMS L133

Alex S.

Sarah W.

SPAN 203 & 204 Dr. Ginsbach

Tues & Thurs 6-7pm

Boyle 106

Sophia J.

Becky R. 

SSCI 224, A Dr. Geerling

 Tues & Thurs 7-8pm

STW 006

Laci H.

Megan P.


Schedule FAQ
When and where are the APM Sessions?
Click on your course listed in the table to find out the day, time and location of your session. If the location is unfamiliar to you refer to the campus map.

My course is listed, with all sections for my professor, can I attend all?
Yes! There will be a session(s) dedicated to your particular section. If your professor has more sessions available because of multiple sections being taught, feel free to come to as many as you want. Please note, this is for the professor you have, not a different professor.

My course is not listed, what can I do for help?
We recommend you reach out to the Office of Academic Success, Support and Accessibility.
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