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Frequently Asked Questions

Residence Halls 

Custom Cash

Student Fees


When will I find out where I live and with whom?
You will be sent an email to your 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 email account in July. This will instruct you where to look in in the portal to get the details of your housing assignment. Make sure to activate your 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 email account and check it regularly. To activate your 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 email account, please visit  and follow the on-screen instructions to activate your email.

Can I request a roommate?
Yes, you can request a roommate. To be honored, roommate requests must be mutual.

How do I obtain my future roommates/suitemates contact information?
When you are sent the email regarding your housing information, it will instruct you to log into your individual portal to obtain the details about your housing assignments and your roommate(s). If you would like additional information, you will need to email your roommate and ask for it. Residential Education and Housing cannot provide you with information other than what is provided in the portal.

Can I switch roommates?
If a room change request is made because of a roommate conflict, all other means of resolution (e.g., roommate contracts, mediation, arbitration) must be exhausted before a room change will be granted. Consultation with your resident assistant and/or your area coordinator is expected before any room change can take place. To encourage you to get to know your roommate, Residential Education and Housing will not make any room changes for the first two weeks students are on campus. It is the expectation of Residential Education and Housing that students make every effort to live together in a civil and responsible manner.

What is an RCR?
RCR is the acronym for Room Condition Report. It is a form utilized by your area coordinator to assess the condition of your living space prior to your check-in date and then used again to assess the condition upon your checkout. The RCR is an online form to complete on the student portal. Changes in condition of the room that are not attributed to normal wear and tear are considered damage and will result in a damage bill. Upon check-in, you will have one week to review the condition of your room in comparison to the RCR-generated report. Any discrepancies should be brought to the attention of your area coordinator immediately.

Will I have access to the Internet in my room?
All Residence Halls have wireless internet. For more information, contact  (ITS).

What will my new address be, and where do I get my mail?
At the beginning of the year, you will receive a mailbox suite number and a key from the Mail Center. You will have the same suite number for your entire stay at 老澳门六合彩开奖记录. When you graduate, you will return your key to the Campus Center, not the housing office. All student mailboxes are located in the Ray Van Den Heuvel Campus Center. For more information, please visit the Campus Center website.

Your mail and packages should be sent to the following address: 

Suite # 
100 Grant Street 
De Pere, WI 54115

Who is the best person to approach with housing questions or concerns once I’ve moved into my residence hall?
Anyone on campus will be more than willing to assist you with any questions or concerns you have, but the most knowledgeable person when it comes to housing issues will be the area coordinator (AC), community assistants (CA) or resident assistants (RA). You can also contact Residential Education and Housing in Todd Wehr Hall or email housing@snc.edu.

Will I have a streaming TV service in my room?
Each residence hall is equipped with TV access. The cost of this service is included in the semester housing charges. Students need to provide their own TV and any needed accessories. Information Technology Services provides support for televisions, gaming systems and other technologies. For more information, visit the ITS Student Service Desk.

What do I do if I need something repaired in my room?
If something is broken or not working right in your room, you will need to submit a work order online. You will visit www.snc.edu/faciities/#9 and fill out the form according to your problem. You can also log onto your my老澳门六合彩开奖记录 account and click on Quick Links on the left hand side. The work order will be submitted to the department that can be of service to you. After submission, someone will come and take care of the problem within a few days, or someone from that department will contact you. If you have an urgent or emergency issue, you should contact Residential Education and Housing at 920-403-3360 or Campus Safety at 920-403-3299.

How do I obtain a parking permit?
All student vehicles must be registered with the Parking Office. For information on how to register a vehicle, email parking@snc.edu. Students graduating in December or leaving 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 during or at the end of first semester will be reimbursed half of their permit fee upon request. Any changes (new vehicle, license, etc.) should be referred to the Parking Office at 920-403-3948 or parking@snc.edu

What are Common Area Damages?
Each student is responsible for any and all damages or vandalism that may occur in their assigned unit. Payment for such damages or vandalism must be made promptly. Students are also held responsible for general hall damage or vandalism and asked to identify the person(s) responsible. If damage occurs in a hall or wing, such as in a recreation room or an elevator, and the person(s) responsible cannot be identified, the cost of repair is divided among the residents of that residential living area. The costs assessed to a student’s account for floor and/or hall damages will be charged as a total "Room Damages" entry on the statement, along with individual room damages. Depending on the situation, 20% of the total damage costs may be added as a punitive fine. 

What is the Student Activity Fee used for?
All 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 students pay a student activity fee which appears on their tuition bills. The Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee (SAFAC), a committee of the Student Government Association, in conjunction with the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA), is responsible for disbursing the collective student activity fee. Funds are distributed to eligible 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 student organizations and student life departments in an effort to enhance the co-curricular life on campus. For more information, you can visit the SAFAC website.

Do I have to pay for the Activity Fee if I live off campus?
All registered students are required to pay the Student Activity Fee.

What is the Student Technology Fee used for?
The student technology fee is used for the installation and upkeep of the fiber optics installed in all residence hall rooms. Students have access to the 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 network from their rooms because of the fee. Additionally, the fee is used to purchase new computer equipment in the computer labs, which are available to all students.

When can Custom Cash be refunded to a student?
Custom Cash stays on your account until after you graduate or leave 老澳门六合彩开奖记录. Custom Cash accounts with a balance of $25 or higher are then refunded to your student account. Any credit balances remaining on your student account will be refunded to the student with a check sent to your permanent address. 

When does garbage/recycling collection take place in the College houses?
Garbage will be collected by the City of De Pere from the college-owned houses on Monday mornings. City ordinance requires ALL carts be out for collection by 6:30 a.m. on day of collection (Monday). Students should not leave their garbage out overnight. After garbage is collected, students should take their garbage containers away from the curb and store them behind or to the side of their house as soon as possible.

Recycling is every other week. NO plastic basg are allowed in the recycling bins. Recyclables should be loose in the bin. Please refer to this schedule for recycling. 老澳门六合彩开奖记录 is week A on the schedule

ALL garbage and or recycling must be placed INSIDE of the cart. No bags outside of or alongside carts will be collected.

What if I’d like to commute?
Commuter status is granted to students who commute from their primary parent/legal guardian's home address within 35 miles of the college. Primary home address is where a student's parent/legal guardian resides the majority of the year.

Please see our for further details on commuting as well as applying for commuter status.

What are my housing options if I plan to study abroad?
Students studying abroad can apply for housing through the continuing student housing process as an individual or as part of a group through the online housing portal. Information about the procedure each year is made available in the continuing student housing process guide on the REH website.

If a student studies abroad in the fall and did not secure housing for the spring, a staff member in Residential Education and Housing will work with that student to find a housing placement prior to their return. 

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