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Bringing Exam Week Stress to Heel

Today’s students know a rigorous academic and extracurricular life. That’s why in the midst of preparation for Finals Week, the college hosts multiple events aimed at combatting the stressors that come with the end of the academic year – a flurry of final exams, papers, moving out, and – of course – Commencement.

At “Canines, Coffee & Career Services,” students can grab a free cup of joe or tea and spend some quality time playing with dogs from the Packerland Kennel Club. Career Services hosts the May 13 event in the lobby of Todd Wehr Hall. 

Those who met the dogs when they were on campus in December remember the sense of comfort and peace the playful pups brought them. Says Maira Rodriguez ’14: “It was the perfect afternoon where I did not stress about finals or future plans, but enjoyed time with the dogs for an hour. I loved every second of it.”

Stefanie Trinkl ’14 says: “ Canines, Coffee & Career Services’ was the best stress reliever – it was great to pet all the different dogs, and get some kisses from them too! It definitely took my mind off of things, and reminded me of my own doggie back home.”

Food for mind, body and spirit
For purposes of relaxation, a close second to the furry fun is the perennial favorite, “Faculty, Flapjacks & Finals.” A day spa is another popular Exam Week offering. The Relax Crew and Spa to Campus set up shop at St. Norbert for the day as Finals loom.

The Norbertine emphasis on the balance between action and contemplation encourages deeper paths to peace, too. Lumen Christi hosted “Help, I’m Stressed! Using Faith to Bring Peace to the Chaos” last month. “Take a break from your busy day to experience God’s peace in the midst of end-of-the-year stress,” their invitation proclaimed. “You need it.”

May 6, 2013