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For the first time, our survey of the magazine readership focuses in equal measure on both the print and online experiences.

Readers, Tell Us What You Think

Two new readership surveys out this spring ask readers of this newsletter and the college magazine to rate the quality of the twin publications and weigh in on the features they enjoy most. For the first time, we’re asking as many questions about the reader experience online as in print.

Later this month, we’ll send out questions for readers about their virtual experiences with the college’s news outlets. That survey will focus on the magazine online – including the additional content shared periodically via the @St. Norbert e-newsletter.

Since we launched our online magazine 10 years ago, we’ve been enjoying the extra elbow room it provides – the magazine easily outgrows its 36 print pages! We appreciate, too, the ready opportunity to share stories in new ways. And those stories can now include multimedia offerings like videos and photo galleries as well as additional written-word pieces.

We hope our dual 2019 surveys will give us a better idea about how our readers are perusing both print and online editions, where their preferences fall and what additional features they would like to see.

Three ways to take part
In April, a representative sample of you received our biannual survey about the print issue. Your responses are already informing our planning for future issues, and we report back on those findings in toto in the Summer 2019 magazine, out at the end of June.

A randomly selected sample of readers will receive the online-content survey later this month. If you were among them, please take the time to respond. (There are 24 questions, and the whole exercise should take less than 10 minutes.) Your feedback will help us meet your needs for relevant, engaging, entertaining and useful information from St. Norbert.

And if you were not among the survey recipients, we’d still like to know what you’re thinking. Now, or at any time, we value your comments and suggestions. You can reach editor Susan Allen (Office of Communications) and the magazine’s student staff at magazine@snc.edu.

June 4, 2019