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As a parish community rooted in Norbertine spirituality, we work to create rich, beautiful, and meaningful liturgical experiences in order to invite parishioners and students to a deeper and more active participation in the spiritual life. Here are seven ways you can become more involved in our liturgical life.

Cross Bearer

The Cross Bearer is responsible for leading the procession to start and end the Mass by carrying the processional cross.

Eucharistic Minister

Several Ministers of the Eucharist are needed at each Mass. The Precious Body and Precious Blood are administered to the congregation with the help of the Ministers of the Eucharist.

Minister of the Word (Lector)

Ministers of the Word proclaim the Word of God and read the Prayers of the Faithful. There are typically two at each Mass.

Ministers of Hospitality (Usher)

The enthusiastic parishioners who hand out the worship aids with bright smiles on their faces are the ushers. They welcome the congregation to the celebration of the Mass. In addition, they are responsible for taking up the collection, and assisting members of the congregation so everyone feels welcomed and at home.


The Sacristan is responsible for setting up for the Mass. S/he ensures that the books are set, prepares the gifts, lights the candles, and checks ministers in as they arrive to serve. In addition, the sacristan puts items away at the conclusion of Mass.

Minister of the Altar (Altar Server)

The Minister of the Altar, or MA, assists the presider throughout the Mass. S/he holds the Roman Missal for the presider to read from and helps to set the altar in preparation for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Camera Operator

The camera operator works in the AV room and runs the equipment so that our 10:00 AM Mass can be live-streamed.

For more information about these ministries, contact Brian Fogarty at (920) 403-3474 or brian.fogarty@snc.edu.
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